Amiga University Sweepstakes

Attention all Amiga University sweepstakes participants!

Round 2 of the Amiga University competition exam is now underway! The trivia is tougher, but you'll increase your chances of winning that accelerated Amiga 1200 computer with every correct answer you submit!

Not enrolled in the Amiga University yet? Just go to to join the scholarly race to win great Amiga prizes, including Aladdin 4D 5.0, DrawStudio 2.0, PageStream 3.3, or the grand prize: a brand-new Amiga 1200 computer complete with a JetFire 134 accelerator and 8 MB of fast RAM.

The Amiga University is brought to you by the Amiga Informer magazine, Pantheon Systems Company, Soft-Logik Publishing Corp, Software Hut, Paxtron Corp., Nova Design, and Haage & Partner.

Ted Wallingford
Pantheon Systems
Amiga Informer Webmaster

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